Miss Me
Corridor of Sisterhood
Corridor of Sisterhood
Drawing inspiration from the 2023 curatorial theme, Breaking Ground, Johnnie Walker, in partnership with curator Ashley McKenzie-Barnes, will be championing the work of three internationally renowned female Canadian artists known for defying the status quo to create an installation that takes bold strides towards progress, and pushes boundaries to move culture forward for all.
Walk through MissMe’s tunnel of sisterhood and love representing the invisible bond women share, explored through thoughtful drapery. Carrying words and phrases that translate some of the more conflicted relationships women carry ever day in our society, it is an interactive journey that serves as a beautiful reminder that we are here for each other.
"This is a corridor. This is a space where women get to just be. As subject and not object. MISS ME’s soft artworks are screams of validity. They are the faces of not having to please. The apology of the anger that is never allowed. As, like so many other things in our society, emotions have arbitrarily been “gendered”, and some, like anger, aren’t valued and validated for women.
This is a space where the women body is just that: a human body, free of the sexualized non-consented gaze.
This is a tunnel where the pieces caress you like a friend. It’s with the hope that the labyrinth-like feeling will make you feel out of his day, worries, social heaviness, for a few seconds."